For the past few weeks, SERS has been been discussed & debated fervently in the social media, at coffeshops and all across Singapore. It was even brought up in parliament on Monday (4 July) regarding the seemingly inappropriate compensation given to the affected households of the Ang Mo Kio SERS or the top-ups they need to pay when they select their brand new replacement flats that is located nearer to the MRT station.

Real estate professional Kiwi Lim from Huttons Asia felt that this degree of unhappiness from the households affected by SERS was unusual as SERS is supposed to bring about a TOTO effect equivalent to a private residential Enbloc scenario for public housing.
The reason why affected households are unhappy with the SERS compensation could be attributed to the high resale value that is seen in the public housing market so far and the seemingly inappropriate compensation the households get from the government's valuation of their flats for SERS.
To mitigate and compromise for a solution, the HDB announced on 2 July Saturday that all the owners of flats undergoing the Selective En bloc Redevelopment Scheme (Sers) in Ang Mo Kio will be given two more rehousing options that address their concerns about having to fork out cash for similarly-sized replacement units. Residents had previously expressed dismay at having to pay up to $100,000 for a replacement flat. HDB understands their concerns and has therefore provided the additional options to help them purchase their new replacement flats.
You may read about the two unprecedented options offered by HDB for future SERS households here.
Some of you may be familiar with HDB’s Home Improvement Programme (HIP) program. When HDB flats age beyond 40 years, it is inevitable that some refurbishment and maintenance is needed for these flats to remain in good living condition. The Home Improvement Programme (HIP) was introduced in 2007 to focus on the common maintenance issues of ageing HDB flats.
The HIP comprises 3 components – Essential, Optional and Enhancement for Active Seniors (EASE) Improvements. If your block votes in favour of the HIP, you will enjoy Essential Improvements that are important for public health and safety. At the same time, you can opt for Optional and EASE improvements.
When your precinct has been shortlisted for HIP, you'll receive a letter from HDB. The HIP will proceed if at least 75% of a block's eligible Singapore Citizen households have voted in favour of the HIP. If you want to go for the optional improvements or EASE items, you can opt in during the polling period.
If less than 75% votes were obtained, the HIP program will not proceed for the block or blocks in the estate.